Building rgSDK and rph (and optionally 3DRomED) for Unix-like systems:

  1. Create a directory where all three source packages (rgSDK, rph and 3DRomED) will be stored. This directory will be refered to as the "source" directory.
  2. Download the rgSDK support library and untar it in the source directory.
  3. Download rph and untar it in the source directory.
  4. Optionally, you can also download and untar 3DRomED in the source directory.
  5. Create a directory in the source directory called "rgLibs".
  6. Go into the source/rgSDK directory and type "make library". This will build the rgSDK library and its output will be stored in the source/rgLibs directory you created.
  7. Go into the source/rph directory. Create an "rgLibs" symbolic link that points to source/rgLibs (this is how rph can find the rgSDK library).
  8. Type "make" and this will build rph (the actual game). At this point you are done.
  9. Optionally, you can go into the source/3DRomED directory and create an "rgLibs" symbolic link which points to source/rgLibs (this is how 3DRomED can find the rgSDK library).
  10. Type "qmake" to create a make file suitable for your Qt settings.
  11. Finally type "make" and this will build the 3D editor.

Game media notes:

The rph source comes with a (broken) symbolic link for the media directory. When you download the game media, remove the "media" symbolic link and place the downloaded media there. Or you can update the broken "media" symbolic link to point to where ever you saved the downloaded media.

Creating symbolic links:

  1. If you will be creating a link named "rgLibs", then first delete any current link which is called "rgLibs".
  2. Symbolic links are created using the command:
    ln -s target_directory link_name

    Example: "ln -s /home/name/source/rgLibs rgLibs"
    will create a symbolic link named "rgLibs" to the directory "/home/name/source/rgLibs".
  3. You can also type "man ln" for more information.